Welcome to University Library

The Central Library was established in 2006 fully air-conditioned, it functions as the primary information resources centre and electronic resources for Teaching and Research activities at the BPSMV. The Central Library is spread over 9150 square feet area. Reading hall has the capacity of around 100 readers. The library has been growing in collection of Research reports, Theses & Dissertations, Reference works, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias and so on. Library has connectivity with Internet and Wi-Fi facility for its users. Many knowledge based services like Reference service, Reprography service, Databases, Internet Browsing and E-services are provided by the Central Library for its users.

The Central Library is a part of INDEST-AICTE consortium for e-journals access. The Library has membership of INFLIBNET, DELNET from 2006 onwards. The Central Library is also contributing in E-Shodh Ganga Repository and E-Shodh Sindhu for e- resources. It has access to many National and International Journals, Newspapers (Hindi & English). The Library provides access to reputed Database/Journals like JSTOR, Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID) database, Economic & Political Weekly (E&PW), NDL E-Resources (World E-Book Library, SAA) and Urkund Plagiarism Detection Software through UGC INFONET Digital Libraries Consortium. . CCTV Cameras have also been fixed at tangible points for surveillance.

The Central Library has total collection of 10903 Books, the constituent colleges / Schools / Polytechnic have separate Libraries collection 128822. The library subscribes 36 Periodicals/Magazines and 17 Newspapers in Hindi & English. The Central Library provides the Computer Lab facility to its user to access the e-resources.

Log in to your account:
  1. Working days & Saturdays
    8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.

  2. Holidays and Sundays
    9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

  3. Check-in Check-out
    9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

  4. Reading Halls (Rear)
    9.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.

Note:- The University Librarian may modify library working hours keeping in view the attendance of the users.

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